The Importance of Community Empowerment in Supporting Child Protection in Aceh Qanun Number 11 of 2008 concerning Child Protection: Case Study of the MEUSEURAYA Programme in Aceh


  • agustia rahmi univesitas malikussaleh
  • chalik mawardi sebelas maret university
  • farah hanum monash university



Child Protection, Community Empowerment, Child Protection Qanun, Violence Against Children, MEUSEURAYA Programme


Children are assets that have an influence on the progress of a country or community in the future. However, children are often targets of violence which makes them very vulnerable to various acts of violence including abuse and exploitation. Increasing children's understanding of child protection laws through capacity building programmes is considered capable of increasing children's participation in the community and encouraging them to voice their aspirations as an effort to prevent violence. This research aims to explore how the capacity building programme "MEUSEURAYA" is able to empower children to anticipate violence in Aceh. Aceh is a special place because child protection laws apply not only from the state but also from the region (Qanun law). The PAR method was used to collect data by involving programme participants. The results of the activities show an increase in participants' understanding of child protection law and aspects related to it. This shows that the capacity building programme has an effect on increasing children's understanding of applicable laws.


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