Criminal Sanctions By Judges In Deciding Illegal Ownership Of Firegams (Study of Decision Number 2/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.LSM)


  • Alief Farhan Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Sumiadi Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Muhammad Nur Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh



Legal Protection, Indirect Victims, PKH Corruption Cases


The problem that will be studied in this research is how the criminal sanctions against the perpetrators of the crime of illegal possession of firearms in the decision no. 2/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.LSM and what are the basis for the judge's consideration in making a decision on the crime of illegal possession of firearms No. 2/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.LSM. The type of research used to answer the problems in this research is normative legal research using the legislation approach and the case approach. This research is descriptive. Data collection is done through literature study. The data analysis used is qualitative analysis. The results of the study indicate that (1) Criminal sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts of illegal possession of firearms in Decision No. 2/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.LSM is 8 months in prison, but the sanctions given are very disproportionate to the guilt of the defendant who has been proven to intentionally help hide illegal firearms and the consequences of this crime can be life threatening. (2) The basis for the judge's consideration in making a decision on the crime of illegal possession of firearms No. 2/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.LSM is based on the consideration of the evidence and also based on the condition of the defendant, the judge in imposing sanctions only refers to the theory of punishment which is relative and upholds the human aspect too much so that it will reduce the deterrent effect of sentencing.


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Lawyers Club, Theories of Punishment and Sentence Purposes,, Accessed on 26 September 2022.


