Accountability of a Notary in Making a Deed Based on Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning the Position of a Notary


  • Sajadah Sajadah Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Nurarafah Nurarafah Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Yusrizal Yusrizal Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh



Notary, Notary Accountability, Legal Effort


This research aims to examine how the Notary official is responsible with the deed he has made, and examine legal remedies against a Notary official if a loss occurs to another party due to false documents or incorrect information from the party as an appearer which has been stated in the process of making the dead. . And legal protection for Notary officials. This research uses quantitative research using a normative juridical approach which is known as doctrinal law research. Data ta obtained from library research (library research), as well as using legal material analysis. The results of this study, namely, the first notary official can be held accountable to the deed he made if there is an error. There are 3 (three) responsibilities, namely civil. Administratively, and criminally. Second, a Notary cannot be held responsible if there are false documents or incorrect information from the parties appearing to cause harm to other parties, because the Notary is only in charge of writing down all the statements of the parties in the deed. Also, Notary officials cannot be summoned for examinations relating to the disputed deed for the benefit of court proceedings, investigators, public prosecutors and judges without the approval of the Notary Honorary Council.


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