Fiqh Al-Bi'ah: Islamic Environmental Ethics In Business Development Of Seladang Café


  • Fitri Maghfirah Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Fathayatul Husna Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Teuku Umar
  • Muammar Muammar Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Muksalmina Muksalmina Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh



Fiqhul Bi'ah, Environmental Ethics, Business


This research generally discusses about environmental issues from a religious perspective and their impact on Business development. This article is reviewed using a qualitative descriptive method by focusing on literature studies and also studies on social media based on virtual ethnographic methods. The author argues that environmental damage is not only caused by the arrogance of certain parties, but also an imbalance in practice between worldly and hereafter things. In short, ethics related to the preservation of ecosystem sustainability in Islam should play a major role in realizing environmental conservation and empowerment, even though nature conservation actions do not always carry a religious theme. In this article, the author makes Seladang Cafe as one of the locations that seeks to maintain the existence, empowerment and environmental sustainability. Seladang Cafe is present in one of the cities in Aceh, namely Bener Meriah. Not only carrying the concept of nature, Seladang Cafe also offers unique tourism by attracting newcomers to enjoy coffee in the middle of the plantation. In addition, if viewed from the perspective of environmental sustainability ethics in Islam, although Seladang Cafe does not brand itself in a religious frame, the things they stretch out in their tourism development scheme represent the development of environmental protection ethics. Therefore, through Seladang Cafe the author wants to see how the management of Seladang Cafe is? How is the management of Seladang Cafe in maintaining environmental sustainability and its relation to the concept of fiqhul bi'ah?


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