Analysis Of The Fulfillment Of Government Employee Needs With A Work Agreement (PPPK) According To Pp No.49 Of 2018 Concerning Management Of Government Employees Work Agreements (Research Study Of The Regional Personnel Agency Office Of Langkat Regency)


  • M. Alwi Asyraf Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
  • Eny Dameria Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
  • Hasan Basri Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia



Fulfillment, PPPK, Government Employees


Fulfilling the needs of PPPK according to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 49 of 2018 concerning Management of Government Employees with Work Agreements is the management of government employees with work agreements to produce employees who are professional, have basic values, professional ethics, free from political intervention, clean from practice corruption, collusion and nepotism as one of the efforts made by the government to meet the needs in carrying out government duties. This writing aims to find out how the procedures and mechanisms for fulfilling the needs of Government Employees with a Work Agreement and also to find out how the efforts and obstacles to its implementation according to PP no. 49 of 2018. This study uses empirical juridical research or also called juridical sociological research with a statute approach which is based on juridical facts and field facts that apply in society and analyzed with applicable legislation. This research is in the form of analytical descriptives which is to obtain a precise and clear description to then be analyzed and presented in this study. The results of this study indicate that the procedures and mechanisms for the appointment of PPPK are in accordance with PP. 49 of 2018 concerning Management of Government Employees with Work Agreements through the following stages: Planning, Announcement of Vacancies, Application for Selection, Announcement of selection results and appointment of PPPK. Efforts and obstacles to implementation, the government every year proposes PPPK procurement, but the quota is lacking due to the limited budget and lack of socialization for PPPK engagement. As a suggestion, government agencies must provide equality for Government Employees with Work Agreements in practice and the government must conduct training for PPPK candidates so that they know the procedures for implementing PPPK procurement.


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