Tinjauan Perancangan Pilar Jembatan Terhadap Gerusan Air Sungai
Pilar, Pondasi Sumuran, Pondasi Tiang, PenulanganAbstract
Salah satu bagian dari pengembangan jalur lintas barat Kabupaten Aceh Barat adalah Pembangunan Jembatan Krueng Sakui Sungai Mas Aceh Barat yang berada antara ruas jalan Meulaboh – Bereunuen. Berdasarkan perencanaan awal Jembatan Sakui akan menggunakan Dua abutment yang memiliki tinggi 8,10 m sedangkan kedua buah pilar memiliki ketinggian 8,35 m. Pondasi yang digunakan pondasi tiang pancang. Berdasarkan gambar rencana proyek, diameter pondasi sumuran untuk abutment adalah 3,50 m dengan kedalaman 3,50 m dan, diameter tiang pancang pilar digunakan diameter 0,40 m dengan kedalaman 12 m. Dalam menganalisa pilar, stabilitas ketahanan akibat eksentrisitas, guling dan geser serta gerusan air sungai sebesar 1,776 ton. Dari hasil analisa stabilitas pilar FS > 2 aman dari guling dan FS > 1,5 aman dari geser. Dari hasil analisa daya dukung pondasi tiang pancang dapat menahan beban sebesar 870,57 ton, serta perencanaan penulangan pilar yang aman digunakan.
Kata Kunci: Pilar, Pondasi Sumuran, Pondasi Tiang, Penulangan,
One part of the development of the western crossing of West Aceh Regency is the construction of the West Aceh Krueng Sakui Sungai Mas Bridge which is located between the Meulaboh - Bereunuen road section. Based on the initial planning, the Sakui Bridge will use two abutments which have a height of 8.10 m while the two pillars have a height of 8.35 m. The foundation used is a pothole foundation for the bridge. The foundation used is a pile foundation for abutments and pillars. Based on the project plan drawing, the diameter of the pile foundation for the abutment is 3.50 m with a depth of 3.50 m, and, the diameter of the pillar piles is 0.40 m diameter with a depth of 12 m. In analyzing the abutments and pillars, the stability of resistance due to eccentricity, overturning and shear as well as the pressure that occurs due to soil pressure of 18,253 tons and river water scouring of 1,776 tons. From the results of the analysis of the stability of abutments and pillars FS>2 safe from rolling and FS>1.5 safe from shear. From the results of the analysis of the bearing capacity of the pits foundation can withstand a load of 132.17 tons, and the bearing capacity of the pile foundation can withstand a load of 870.57 tons, as well as the planning of abutment reinforcement and pillars that are safe to use.
Keywords: Pillar, Well Foundation, Pile Foundation, Reinforcement.
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