Analisis Kondisi Kerusakan Jalan Dengan MetodePCI DanSDI Pada Perkerasan Lentur Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh (STA 258+000 s/d 259+500)
Jenis Penanganan, Kerusakan Jalan, Pavement Condition Index, Surface Distres IndexAbstract
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan metode PCI dan SDI, jenis dan tingkat kerusakannya serta menentukan jenis pemeliharaan yang sesuai. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui kondisi perkerasan dengan menggunakan nilai Pavement Condition Index (PCI) dan Surface Distress Index (SDI) pada ruas jalan Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh Hasil Persentase tertinggi untuk nilai PCI sebesar 8% pada ratting very poor, 10% pada ratting poor, 8% pada ratting fair, 13% pada ratting good, 17% pada ratting very good, 34% pada ratting excellent. Dan untuk metode Surface Distress Index (SDI) didapatkan persentase 83% segmen pada kondisi baik, 17% segmen pada kondisi sedang, 0% segmen rusak ringan dan 0% segmen rusak berat. Berdasarkan metode PCI didapatkan hasil rata-rata kerusakan pada ruas Jl. Medan – Banda Aceh (Batuphat-Blang Pulo) Sta 258+000 s/d 259+500 yaitu sebesar 62, dan metode SDI didapatkan hasil rata-rata yaitu sebesar 19. Ruas jalan termasuk kedalam program pemeliharaan rutin.
Kata Kunci: Jenis Penanganan, Kerusakan Jalan, Pavement Condition Index, Surface Distres Index
This research was conducted on Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh with the aim of knowing the comparison of PCI and SDI methods, the type and level of damage and determining the appropriate type of maintenance. Based on the results of the analysis, the condition of the pavement is known using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and Surface Distress Index (SDI) values on the Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh Results The highest percentage for the PCI value was 8% for very poor ratting, 10% for poor ratting, 8% for fair ratting, 13% for good ratting, 17% for very good ratting, 34% for excellent ratting. And for the Surface Distress Index (SDI) method, a percentage of 83% of segments were in good condition, 17% of segments were in moderate condition, 0% of segments were lightly damaged and 0% of segments were heavily damaged. Based on the PCI method, the average damage results for the Jl. Medan – Banda Aceh (Batuphat-Blang Pulo) Sta 258+000 to 259+500, which is 62, and the SDI method obtained an average result of 19. The road section is included in the routine maintenance program.
Keywords:Handling Type, Pavement Condition Index, Road Damage, Surface Distres Index
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